Sweet Poison

This is the age of “smooth sayings”. It is amazing how hungrily the public gobbles up words which taste sweet, but are the poison which is rotting away their guts. Equality, compromise, peace, co-existence, tolerance, humanitarianism are just a few examples of this “sweet poison”.

White western man’s sentimentality is the well that the humanists have poisoned, and our race has not stopped to think that humanitarian sentimentality is the forerunner to racial genocide from within. To become so POSSESSED that one seeks to be equal with all others at the expense of destroying his individuality is suicidal.

Only the dead are equal. The living are all different and unique. Humanism despises the iron laws of nature regarding racial differences. It seeks to level a superior race with even the most primitive savages. With this “equality”, it would be impossible for any person to rise in the scale of being.

Humanism's greatest obstruction to culture, scientific, and human advancement is its sentimentality toward inferior and weaker races. By pretending that all races are equal, that no one race dare to excel, and that there be only one status maintained, that of mediocrity, humanism brings all progress to a grinding halt.

The Jew plan to destroy White Western Man will be through racial integration, (their code word for) mongrelization. By polluting the gene pool, the race will cease to exist. The Bible and history bear witness to the fundamentals of nature that mongrelizing a superior with an inferior will only pull down the superior. There exists only a Divine spark between the masses and the genius. That spark is either inflamed or extinguished by maintaining the purity of the race or by adulterating it.

The one irreversible event is to mingle one race with another. Once they are united, nothing can separate them again. Both races have forever ceased to exist. Only an inferior and arrogant hybrid continues. No scientist will pull down a species by mixing it with a lesser one. They will endeavor to improve the vitality of the superior one, and let the other pass by the wayside. Illogical thinking has been promoted in our nation with one goal in mind; destroy the white race with its Divine spirit of difference.

Thus, the great civilizations of the past are not the high cultures of today. Their glory shall never reappear just as the purity of their race shall never return. The spark of creativeness was extinguished through mongrelization. Our race must learn the lessons of history now, or else seal its own eternal destruction.

The new man being envisioned by the alien Jew is one of such a compounded mixture that he will never possess any individuality. He will be reduced to the level of all. He will be like all in every detail.

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(continued - Sweet Poison)

There will be no difference in mental or physical make-up, no genius, no superiority of quality, ONLY A VAST QUANTITY OF MEDIOCRITY. This perverted dream must be rooted out and destroyed, lest it become the final destroyer of all. We must not drink this poisonous Kool-Aid.

If the superior race is polluted, the innate spirit of that race is forever lost. All other races will suffer as well. The inferior races must realize that their advancement depends upon the gains made by the superior race. Only through the strict maintenance of the purity of the superior race will the necessary creativeness, strength, and spirit continue to bring forth the great advancements in science, technology, and society.

Once the white race falters because of mongrelization, that spark of genius that made it unique dies. All advancement in knowledge will cease and the world will be doomed to darkness, disease, and misery which have always been the products of the masses. The white race is the repository and the fountain of knowledge that the world is dependent upon, even for its daily bread.

The current illogical thinking in our nation will not only pollute and destroy the white race, but also his high cultural effect upon all others. With the cessation of the dynamic force from the fountain springs of our race will come the steady decline and relapse of the others back into their former abyss of darkness.

Only the most naive and unthinking people can be so gullible as to believe that an inferior can eternally prosper through the degeneration of the very race which has blazed the trail and paved the way of advancement for all to travel. When the trail blazers’ spirit is gone, then the high culture will grind down, and world doom is certain, for the two are eternally linked.

Reality teaches the great lesson of social structure – individuality, uniqueness, and differentiality. White Western Man must now implement these principles while vomiting out the Jew alien induced “sweet poison” which is killing him. It is the purpose of N.E.W.S. to awaken our brothers to the truth which will set us free, and will lead us to our destiny of Divine calling.

Today we are the voice crying in the wilderness, but TOMORROW that voice will bring an awakening within White Western Man which will lead to VICTORY over the “sweet poison” that now permeates our nation and the world. Turn on the light and the cockroaches run for cover. It is imperative that the world realizes it can never advance unless the driving force of our race is SPIRITUALLY strong. Race is the issue! YAHWAH's adamic white race is the only HOPE for the world.

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